Our platform was born so that the bell for last orders never rings for the last time.
We’re empowering landlords and improving the way they reach their punters.
We’re tantalising tourists to visit our country’s gorgeous pubs so that more folks can lap up the hospitality of our nations inns.
It’s not about commission, it’s about a commitment to the pub, the pint and the pride of Britain.
At Book The Pub we place Pubs first, our profits second. When you partner with us you will find there are no hidden costs and no crazy commissions, so there is no need to worry.
Consider us your digital partner, offering commission-free revenue streams and other valuable services on a monthly basis.
We’re more of a campaign than a company, and our mission is to empower the British pub. We want to build a brighter future for British pubs by securing their role as a place to stop by, socialise, and stay overnight.
We’re not here for the loot, we’re here for the legacy. #SaveThePub