Pub Directory

Our pub directory provides landlords with the ability to promote their business and is important to consumers who use it to locate what they are searching for.

Pub Directory Advertising provides you with all of these benefits:

  • The ability to be found when someone makes a targeted search
  • Allows you to target types of customers rather than trying to blanket advertise
  • Enables you to be seen in your target industry
  • Enables you to retain more control over your results

Advertising in our pub directory is an affordable and effective marketing tool for all small businesses. This type of advertising offers a targeted way of spreading the word about your business to a large number of consumers.

If you’d like more information on using Pub Directory Advertising to enhance your business contact us. #SaveThePub

Please fill out the short form under our pricing tables to list your property with Book The Pub

Get 90 days free on all plans


£25 / month ex VAT
  • Directory Listing
  • Gallery
  • Contact Details
  • Reviews
  • Social Links
  • Opening Hours
  • Food Service Times
  • Features
  • Location
  • Menu Display


£35 / month ex VAT
  • Directory Listing
  • Gallery
  • Contact Details
  • Reviews
  • Social Links
  • Opening Hours
  • Food Service Times
  • Features
  • Location
  • Menu Display
  • Table Booking Platform


£65 / month ex VAT
  • Directory Listing
  • Gallery
  • Contact Details
  • Reviews
  • Social Links
  • Opening Hours
  • Food Service Times
  • Features
  • Location
  • Menu Display
  • Table Booking Platform
  • Direct Bedroom Booking Tool (0% Commission) for 10+ bedrooms
  • Access to our addons suite

Looking to onboard more than one property?

If you are looking to list more than one property great! fill out this short form and a friendly member of our team will be in contact with you shortly to discuss your multi-listing onboarding process. 

What is the addons suite?

At Book The Pub we are proud to partner with a wide variety of service provides such as Photographers, Videographers, SEO and PPC specialists & many more

Meaning we can offer our customers access to high-quality, fixed-price services so you can achieve your goals for your properties.

For more information please contact the Book The Pub team and we will be more than happy to help you make the best decisions for your business.